Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB

Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB main image
The Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB is white-light laser system with ten individual apertures. Each can be controlled individually by standard DMX. Due to the analog modulation capability it is possible to create millions of colors, including white. The indivi- dual control of each beam allows for a variety of chaser, beam or fan effects. This makes the Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB ideal for use on stages, at live performances, in clubs and discotheques as well as in TV shows and show productions. In addition to the versatile DMX control, the BeamBar can run in stand-alone or sound-to-light mode.
  • guaranteed total output power 10 red, green and blue diode modules
  • Easy laser alignment via the front plate
  • Brightness control - analog modulation
  • DMX programmable
  • Automatic, stand-alone, and master-slave modes
    Laserworld_Beambar_10RGB_0006_beam.jpg laser image 0
    Laserworld_Beambar_10RGB_0004_beam.jpg laser image 1
    Laserworld_Beambar_10RGB_0001_beam.jpg laser image 2
    Laserworld_Beambar_10RGB_0005_beam.jpg laser image 3
    Laserworld_Beambar_10RGB_0003_beam.jpg laser image 4
    Laserworld_Beambar_10RGB_0002_beam.jpg laser image 5
    Sound-to-light modeModo Audio-Luz:
    Deja que el ritmo de la música controle el láser automáticamente
    Stand-Alone modeMODO AUTÓNOMO:
    El láser funciona de forma autónoma y no necesita ningún control. Reproduce el contenido almacenado en la placa base del láser.
    DMX modeMODO DMX:
    El láser se puede controlar con un controlador DMX estándar o un software DMX.
    Master-Slave modeMODO MAESTRO-ESCLAVO:
    Un láser envía los comandos de control y los demás lo siguen. Funciona con los modos Autónomo y Audio-Luz.
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB additional image 1
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB additional image 2
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB additional image 3
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB additional image 4
This special laser effect creates fans of laser beams and can be controlled through DMX or runs in stand-alone or music mode.

The Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB is a bar with 10 single beam laser outlets, each equipped with a 120 mW / 650 nm red, 50 mW / 525 nm green and 80 mW / 450 nm blue laser diode which means it is possible to create millions of colors and white.
Each laser beam can be individually aligned through a 4-point alignment system, that can easily be accessed from the front - so no opening of the housing is necessary.

This show laser light provides an analog modulation. It means a better color fading and a much broader color hue. These facts make the Laserworld BeamBar devices ideal for all applications requiring many different color hues and color fadings.

The Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB can be controlled through DMX channels, so each diode can be controlled individually. Thus it's possible to create many different chaser, beam or fan effects.

Due to the standard DMX compatibility, the Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB can easily be integrated into an existing lighting setup.

This laser projector provides a master-slave-mode. Show lasers of the same series (slave projectors), connected via DMX to a main projector (master projector) project the same patterns like the master projector.

The Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB is a great effect for stages, live gigs and nightclubs, as well as for TV Shows and show productions.


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Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB laser beam and explanatory image 5
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB laser beam and explanatory image 6
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB laser beam and explanatory image 7
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB laser beam and explanatory image 8
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB laser beam and explanatory image 9
Laserworld BeamBar 10RGB laser beam and explanatory image 10


> más detalles

Potencia Garantizada
2'500 mW
Potencia Rojo
120 mW / 650 nm
Potencia Verde
50 mW / 525 nm
Potencia Azul
80 mW / 450 nm
Espec. del Haz*
ca. 3.0 mm / 0.6 mrad
Tipo de Láser
Modos de Uso:
DMX, autónomo, sonido-luz, maestro-esclavo
Interlock, manual, llave
Clasificación IP
Fuente de Alimentación
100V - 250 V AC 50/60 Hz
Consumo Eléctrico
72 W
1000 x 160 x 105 mm
10.5 kg
*Debido a la tecnología de corrección óptica avanzada utilizada en nuestros sistemas láser, la potencia óptica de cada color dentro de los módulos láser instalados puede diferir ligeramente de la especificación de los respectivos módulos láser. Divergencia FWHM media según modelo.


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Marcas distribuidas:

Marca distribuida Laserworld Marca distribuida tarm Marca distribuida Ray Technologies
Marca distribuida Showeditor Marca distribuida Showcontroller Marca distribuida PangolinMarca distribuida coherent

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Daniel Patricio
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