RTI NANO RGB 100 - ultra powerful color laser system | Laserworld

The RTI NANO RGB 100 full color laser system with a guaranteed output power of 100 watts after optics is predestined for use as a sky or landmark laser and of course for projections over long distances. In this video we show the visibility of the laser beams of the RTI NANO RGB 100 at different distances between 400 meters and about 10 kilometers! The extremely low divergence of only 0.9 mrad is also impressive. The integrated AC allows laser operation between -20° C and +60° C. Read more: https://www.laserworld.com/en/rti-nano/rti-nano-rgb-100 The RTI NANO RGB 100 is manufactured in Germany and is equipped with the high precision RTI Semiconductor Laser (RSL) modules #rti #raytechnologies #laser #highpower #outdoor #skylaser #landmarklaser #graphicsprojection #lasershow #festival #outdoorlaser #highpowerlaser #laserbeam #rgblaser #rtinano #nano #laserprojector #skybeam #rsl #rslmodule #semiconductor

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Daniel Patricio
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