Software: Showeditor Firewall Patch Script for V7

Showeditor Firewall Patch Script for V7
Showeditor - Software de control láser
2019 - presente
Patches the firewall to let pass network traffic for Showeditor
This patch script allows for patching the firewall to let pass communication between the Showeditor software and the ShowNET LAN mainboard. Usually it is not necessary to apply this script, but in some rare cases the firewall settings may be incorrect. This script helps sort the connectivity issue. Use at your own risk! To apply the script: 1. Download the ZIP file 2. Unzip the file 3. Execute the .cmd file with administrator privileges. (right click on the file, then select "execute as Administrator")

Marcas distribuidas:

Marca distribuida Laserworld Marca distribuida tarm Marca distribuida Ray Technologies
Marca distribuida Showeditor Marca distribuida Showcontroller Marca distribuida PangolinMarca distribuida coherent

ch  pt  mx  br  ar
Daniel Patricio
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